torsdag 19 november 2015

The infinity of imperfection

Is my way to look on what i am
On where i am
Recovery takes time
Babysteps is the way to go
No matter high or low
You better take it slow
If you rush
You will hit the wall
If you slipp
You will fall
Accept the situation
Live now 
Dont then 
Or in the future
Right now is the moment
The moment that counts
I may be fragile
But im not weak
My sickness weakens me
But i will fight to remain strong
In my heart
In my soul
In faith
Recover slowly
Dont be afraid to ask for help
Come as you are
In all your imperfection
The amount you can achieve is
But i will ask this
If you knew the cure for mental decease
Would you give my mind some peace?

Orden bara kommer till mig, kanske ordbajsande men får en så stark känsla när det tar form i huvidet att skriva ner det. Ligger i skrivande stund och väntar in min konstgjorda sömn bestående av en hel del tabletter som jag gått på ett tag nu, så mycket enklare att hantera livet när man får sova ut ordentligt :)
Peace alla fina

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